Adult Phonics Level 1 lesson 6 | QPR Alphabet Sounds
QPR Alphabet Sounds and Words | Quick Awesome Phonics Lesson
Together, we will learn the Alphabet sounds for letter P, letter Q, and letter R. I will teach you the sounds for the letter P, how to draw a capital letter P and a lower case P. I will teach you how to say the words Panda, Pen, and Pig with an American English pronunciation. I will show you pictures to remember the words while we practice saying the alphabet sounds. I will teach you the sounds for the letter Q, how to draw a capital letter Q and a lower case Q. I will teach you how to say the words Queen, Question, and Quiet with an American English pronunciation. I will teach you the sounds for the letter R, how to draw a capital letter R and a lower case R. I will teach you how to say the words Ring, Rabbit, and Robot with an American English pronunciation.