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According to science, reading is a complex process! The main reason could be it includes our cognitive, neurological, and visual functions to work well to make it happen. A word can be built up of many sounds of characters or alphabets that together joints to form and communicate any meaning. All such facts make one feel how to read English words correctly!

A content can convey any thought or message. So reading it is about how well you can understand its elements like vocabularies, grammar, words, and their use together. The best part about the language is that the sound of one letter of an English alphabet can’t match with the other. Your Phonics or ability to convert a letter’s physical appearance to an audible sound should be good to master language speaking.

Getting yourself familiar with a vast set of vocabularies used in English is not so simple then learning the formula on how to make tenses. Most of them either hate it or make a habit of learning new vocabulary or daily practicing by writing a fresh set of new English words. In both scenarios, most of the time, we think, is it possible to learn such a vast amount of words faster, better, and in a productive way to say energy and time?

How to read and write English words?

Here are the things to make the process of reading and learning vocabulary faster and relaxing;

1) Word Formation

You might be dreaming or working hard to read every word that you will encounter in any random content written in English. If this is true, then you need to be more standardized and fluent in the language. One of the interesting facts about English words is that a Root word or morpheme can be used to make an adverb, an adjective, a verb, or a noun.

So while learning to pronounce any word that sounds clearly, you should also try the related terms and their uses in sentences. After all, the formation of words might change their resultant meanings and learn with practice and experiences.

2) Healthy Challenge

During the learning process, we want someone who can inspire, motivate, or criticize us. Our brain would be more focused on achieving it with perfection. Hence, you can ask either your friend, relative, colleague or any person to take the challenge of speaking a group of English words. Better record the voices or pronunciation of all the participants and compare them to select the winner. So this process is like learning during play and fun!

3) Technology helps

If you are not aware of how to spell a particular word or phrase in English, but you have internet access, then you have everything in your hands. You might be heard of various virtual cum personal assistants that are gradually becoming a part of our homes as well. Be it either Amazon’s Alexa, Apple’s Siri, or only use the voice command feature of Google.

All you need to ask anything and get the answers in seconds. So why not you take help from one among them about spelling a particular word by allowing it to read such word in its own manner. If this is not happening, you can use some online tools like Google translator to spell the word you have written there.

How to better read and pronounce English words?

Here are some tips significantly solving the doubts of people like how to teach a child to read English words;

i) Whenever you will come to know about a new word, try to note it down. Further, remember it many times or better try to use it in your general writings and communications to get fluent with that word.

ii) You cannot resist keeping the Dictionary (usually that translates words from your language to English) always handy. A smart approach in this technological era is to use dictionary apps on our smartphones that will always be available in your pocket.

iii) There are many online sources available today. By using them, you can learn how to pronounce any Foreign word. It can be done by first breaking it into individual letters. The next step is to translate them into English and join them to make an English alternative of that Foreign word.


Right from basic to the advanced level, you might find many English words either related or unrelated to each other, but. They play a big role in increasing your vocabulary base to write better, speak and read English for communications. It can also help one on how to read Korean words in English, how to read Arabic words in English or to read words of any other language in English.

Suppose you want to master English and impress others, then no doubt you need to have a robust library of vocabulary in mind. You can use them frequently in everyday practice. Being fluent in speaking every word correct in English means you can better communicate with others almost anywhere in the world.

You do not feel any difficulty talking, discussing, or chatting with them in the same language. One more benefit of understanding and speaking English better is that you can use it as a base for your daily earnings.