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Short Vowel O: OT OP OX OG Sounds and Words | Quick Phonics Lesson

Today we will do lesson 6 in the Adult Phonics series. We will use the short vowel I in today’s Phonics Lesson. We will learn the short vowel OT sound and 2 words. You will learn how to say Hot and Pot with an American English accent. Next, we will learn the short vowel OP sound and 2 words.

You will learn how to say Cop and Hop with an American English accent. Then we will learn the short vowel OX sound and 2 words. You will learn how to say Fox and Box with an American English accent. Then we will learn the short vowel OG sound and 2 words.

You will learn how to say Log and Dog with an American English accent. We will learn the different short O vowel sounds. Let’s study together with this quick phonics lesson for adults and learn to read with an American English accent.