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I joined a new gym yesterday! I am really excited.

I am sweaty after my first time back in the gym. I am too fat.

I have not been to the gym to exercise in months. Since January. When the pandemic started, my gym closed. Actually so did my apartment and I couldn’t leave. I was quarantined for months.

Now that I have moved to my new apartment and the virus has died down in my city, I could join a new gym. My new gym is huge! It is so big I can’t believe it. The price was very cheap too since they are trying to get new members after the virus.

The gym has many bikes. These bikes are for spin class.

This gym has many places you can exercise in. It has a spinning room. A spin room has lots of stationary bikes to ride. They have classes for spin. This is a very challenging workout.

This gym even has a pool for swimming and resistance exercises.

This gym has a pool. A pool is a great place to go swimming. Swimming is a great exercise to burn calories and to not hurt your body. Swimming is good for older people and people that are exercising after an injury.

Gyms have weight machines. Weight machines help you exercise and train a single part of the body. This gym has so many different machines. It is great.

Gyms also have free weights. Free weights are for exercise and training just like the machines. Free weights are harder to use because you have to control the weight. This makes free weights safer and a better workout.

I am so excited about this new gym. Write your daily English diary about exercise or your gym. Use English to tell me about what your gym looks like.

Remember to write your Daily English Diary in the comments. Practice your English every day with me. Here is Daily English Dairy # 8.

9 thoughts on “Daily English Diary #7 Daily English Lesson

  1. I have never been to the gym yet. When I was a young girl I played volleyball in a team. Then I have been on the women’s gymnastics in a school. Now I already do yoga for years. This is good for me a lot. Sometimes I do other exercises, too, in the mornings. I also like to swim, but I only go then if we are on holiday, because there are always many people in the pool, and I don’t like it. So I like to exercise, but only at home because I am already old to go to the gym.

    1. I love to swim but I am very self-conscious of my body so I never go anymore. I hope that one day I will be confident enough to swim in the pool. I love the pool. Yoga is one of the things that is proven to keep you healthy and help you live longer. That is a fantastic thing to have in your day.

  2. That is very kind of you. Thank you so much. I hope your day is awesome too.

  3. I am very excited to get back to the gym tonight. I will keep writing the diary so that everyone can write theirs in the comments too.

  4. I have never goes to the gym ,because in my country is very expensive and I don’t have money for that,so I decide to worked out in my house I bought me a weight machine. It is great
    I am so excited for my machine because everyday I do excersice and I noticed that I lost weight.And now that I have more time in my house I do more exercise and I feel better than before and I more healthy too.

    1. I worked out at home for a long time. I prefer it some days. A gym is nice, but it can be crowded and noisy. Yesterday, I had to wait 5 minutes for a machine that I needed because a man was watching tiktok on his phone. It made me very angry. I think it is much better to have the weight machine at home like you do now. I would love to have one but my apartment is too small.

  5. I have never goes to the gym ,because in my country is very expensive and I don’t have money for that,so I decide to worked out in my house I bought me a weight machine. It is great
    I am so excited for my machine because everyday I do excersice and I noticed that I lost weight.And now that I have more time in my house I do more exercise and I feel better than before and I more healthy too.

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