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When you’re learning a new language, staying focused can be challenging. The English language is filled with new vocabulary, difficult grammar, and nuances of culture that can be easy to ignore in your effort to master everything new.

If you want to succeed, it’s essential that you learn how to stay focused. Here are a few helpful tricks for staying focused and retaining what you’re learning.

Make learning a priority

If you’re like most people, you’ll put off learning a new language because you don’t have time. This is a mistake. Learning a new language should be a top priority. You can’t expect to pick it up quickly if it’s not something you truly want to do.

If you truly want to learn English, then you’ll make an effort to fit it into your schedule, even if that means squeezing it in between work and school. You’d do the same thing with any other extracurricular activity, so why not learn English?

Set up a routine

Do you remember what you were doing three months ago? Probably not. Most likely, you don’t even care. This is because your routine is what helps you stay focused and retain what you’re learning.

Here are a few ideas for creating a routine that will help you stay focused and retain what you’re learning:

  • Pick a learning resource and stick to it.
  • Find a learning partner and exchange notes.
  • Create a method of learning and study it religiously.
  • Remember to add in breaks and distractions that help your mind relax.
  • Always be learning.

If you’re having trouble coming up with something to do, try making a list of things you know you should be doing but aren’t. You might be surprised at what you find on your list.

Make learning a fun

You know how adults always say to make learning fun? Well, it’s good advice because it’s easier to retain what you’re learning when you’re having fun.

Here are a few ways to make learning fun:

  • Find a good learning partner and swap stories about your day.
  • Learn a new word or phrase every day and use a mnemonic device (memory palace, anyone?)
  • Create a game to help you learn new vocabulary.
  • Commit a word to memory by writing it a thousand times on a piece of paper and taping it to a wall.
  • Learn a foreign language by singing along with your favorite song.

Keep learning in context

Context is important when learning something new. Try to relate what you’re learning to things you’re familiar with. This helps you connect the new information to your life experiences, which makes it easier to remember.

For example, if you’re studying the American Civil War, don’t just talk about Abraham Lincoln in a historical context. Think of what Lincoln would say to you if you met him today.

Try to relate new information to things you’re familiar with, so it feels more “real” and you’re less likely to forget about it.

Bottom line

Staying focused can be difficult when you’re learning a new language. Here are a few tricks to help you out.

  • Make learning a priority.
  • Set up a routine to ensure you don’t miss any lessons.
  • Make learning fun by finding ways to add entertainment to your studies.
  • Keep learning in context by relating new words and grammar to real-life situations.
  • Never forget, with effort, you can master any language!

Remember, you don’t have to do it alone. There are always people out there who want to learn English and can share their knowledge and experience with you. So, if you want to learn English, why don’t you try joining a language exchange?