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Reading comprehension is one of the most important parts of learning English. After all, understanding what you read is essential if you want to stay on top of your lessons and improve your English skills.

Reading comprehension is a measure of the ability of a particular individual to understand and analyze the ideas and arguments expressed in written texts. To have good reading comprehension, you need to be good at understanding the meaning of words, phrases, and clauses within texts.

In this article, you’ll learn five simple techniques you can use to improve your English reading comprehension. Once you finish reading, check out these useful tips for reading and comprehension.

Read with Purpose

Reading for the sake of reading is a good and noble practice, but reading for the sake of improving your English reading comprehension is another story entirely. Reading with purpose means reading for the purpose of understanding the ideas and arguments expressed in the texts you read. Understanding the meaning of the words and phrases in a text should be your primary goal when reading.

Reading for the sake of reading may be relaxing, but it won’t help you learn much. Reading with purpose, on the other hand, means reading texts that are written with the objective of making a particular point. Reading texts with an objective will help you better understand the ideas they are trying to convey.

Reading with purpose also means you should read not just for school but also for pleasure. Reading for pleasure but not understanding the text you are reading is like eating delicious food but not digesting it properly. It’s good for the body, but it’s not good for your skills development. Reading with purpose is the best thing you can do for your English reading comprehension.

Use Visualization

People who have great English reading comprehension are often described as being “visual” in their approach to learning new skills. This is true both for reading comprehension and for many other aspects of your English language skills as well.

First and foremost, you need to be able to picture what the words and phrases mean in your head before you can understand them. This is where visualization comes in. Visualization is a technique you can use to help you understand the meanings of words.

Visualizing can help you understand words by helping you give them a mental context. For example, if you are reading a text on the history of the United States, you can imagine a map of the country with cities and landmarks tagged on it. When you are reading about the American culture, you can imagine different restaurants and movie theaters tagged on the map. You can also give the words in the text a color or a sound that helps you picture them better. This technique is particularly effective when you read something that is hard to understand.

Reading with visualization also requires you to pace yourself and not read too quickly. Reading too quickly will lead to you missing key parts of the text and losing important context. Reading at the right speed and pace is essential for good English reading comprehension.

Ask Yourself “Why?”

When you are reading a text, it is often easy to get caught up in the details of the text without asking yourself why you are reading it in the first place. Asking yourself “why” will help you connect the ideas of the text with their context.

For example, if you are reading a description of a city, you can ask yourself why the author is describing that particular city. You can then use this information to better understand the text. Also, when you are reading a description of a person’s skills, you can ask yourself why the author chose to describe the person in that way. You can then use this information to better understand the skills being described. “Why” techniques can help you understand the details of a text better and connect those details to the ideas expressed in that text.

Highlight Important Words

Highlighting words is a simple but effective way to help you remember important parts of a text. Highlighting a word or a small part of a word is a simple way to remind yourself of its meaning.

Highlighting also helps you see connections between words. For example, in a text about English food, you can highlight the word “biscuit” and see that it is related to “sweet.” This will help you remember that biscuits are sweet foods. Highlighting words can also help you retain information better because it makes information more memorable.

Highlighting is a great reading comprehension technique, especially when it comes to easy and short texts. You can use this technique for almost any kind of text, from newspapers to novels and technical writing.

Summarize the Text

Another useful technique for reading comprehension is summarizing the text. Summarizing the text means writing down a summary of the main ideas and facts in the text.

This technique can help you remember what you have read and also apply what you have learned. For example, when you read about the history of the United States, you can summarize what you have read. You can use this summary as a reference when you are doing other activities related to American history, such as doing an assignment on the subject.

Summarizing text is an important skill for good English reading comprehension. If you find it difficult to understand some texts, try summarizing them. You will be amazed at how much information you can learn when you summarize the information in a text.


Well, you’ve come to the end of this article if you are looking for some tips and techniques to improve your reading comprehension, then you’ve come to the right place! Reading is a critical part of language learning, but many learners struggle with reading comprehension. For example, you may be able to understand a sentence or two, but for longer texts, you struggle to keep up and you often find it difficult to understand the meaning of the text. Reading with purpose Reading with visualization Ask yourself why Highlight important words Summarize the text Conclusion Reading with purpose Reading with visualization Ask yourself why Highlight important words Summarize the text Conclusion Reading with purpose Reading with visualization Ask yourself why Highlight important words Summarize the text Conclusion Reading with purpose Reading with visualization Ask yourself why Highlight important words Summarize the text Conclusion Reading with purpose Reading with visualization Ask yourself why Highlight important words Summarize the text Conclusion Reading with purpose Reading with visualizer Visualization is a technique you can use to help you understand the meanings of words Visualization can help you understand words by helping you give them a mental context Visualizing can help you remember what you have read by making information more memorable. Reading with visualization can help you stay focused when you are reading and understand the ideas and arguments expressed in the text. Reading with visualization can help you improve your English reading comprehension.