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You may be fluent in English but you don’t sound like it. The most likely cause of this is because you never learned Phonics. Students around the world all suffer a similar fate. They learn grammar, speak phrases and can pass high level English proficiency exams but they all share a similar problem. They don’t sound right. They don’t sound native.

The Solution for Poor English Pronunciation

To fix this you really need to put your pride away and accept that you just simply need to learn phonics. Phonics is basically the building blocks of the English language. It is the magic formula that allows us to read and write, speak and listen and even understand what people are saying to us. There are basically three main areas where Phonics will help you. They are Reading, Writing and Speaking.

Best Method for Fluid and Native Speech

The book “Phonics For Adults: Adult Phonics Reading Program” covers the phonetic basics of all three areas in a simple easy to understand way. It will teach you how to pronounce each letter of the alphabet and learn how to build sounds the correct way for fluent and natural sounding speech. The book is available on Amazon for $15.99 and has received over 30 reviews with an average score of 4.1 out of 5 stars so you can be sure that it works! It even comes with 73 video lessons to make sure you have everything you need to correct your pronunciation and speak fluently like you deserve to.