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Every teacher I have ever met says the same thing.

“My students would get better if they practiced every day”

But worksheets are boring. Homework is thought of negatively. Even for me. I hate grading it and you hate doing homework haha.

So what is an easy way to add English to your day? A daily English diary. In fact, you can start yours today in the comments section below. Here is my idea. That you take the time to write your daily diary here. Practice writing down your thoughts and feelings here. But in English. This will do 2 things.
1. Help you use English every day.
2. Help you express your thoughts and ideas in English.
Bonus: Make you feel better because sometimes saying our hopes and fears out loud helps us more than holding them in.

Here is my first ever English Diary on this site.

Man writing in a diary.

June 16th, 2020

Today was so sunny that it made me sweat immediately. In the 10 minutes that it took me to get to the metro, I was covered in sweat. But I was in a good mood anyway. I was thinking about my daughter and our last phone call. She told me that she wanted to be an astronaut.

The idea of her floating around in space with her long curly hair everywhere made me feel happy. I miss her a bunch but I have to work so that I can take care of my family. It is lonely but I know that I am making the best moves for the future of our family.

I stood quietly on the bus waiting for my stop. I was thinking about all of the things I stress about. Worry about. Want to fix and do. Then it came to me that I should write it down. Just get the ideas out of my mind so I can focus and improve. Then a new idea came. The idea for this daily English Diary on my site. I thought, “I should make a way for my students to practice daily. A way that they can write anything they want or about anything they are thinking about.”

So that is what I did. I am curious to see how many students will sit and write what is on their minds here. I hope a lot of you do.

Daily English Dairy #2

12 thoughts on “An English Diary is a Daily English Lesson

  1. June 18th, 2020
    Today morning I was very intensive. Outside of the cooking, I cleaned the flat, too. Now we had lunch and my husband took a nap a little, and I sat down to learn English. This time is very appropriate for learning. There is silence, and I can pay my attention to things. I look out the window and I can see our amazing Bükk Mountains. From this somehow, I will be always happy. I like nature a lot. And we live close to nature. The weather is very nice today, after many rainy days, finally, it isn’t raining, but also the sun is shining,

    1. It has been raining here a lot too. I look forward to relaxing in the future with a nice view like that.

  2. The weather wasn’t bad for me these days. It rained a lot but useful for my villagers because we need for the new harvest. I love raining. Raining will have liquid, plants are green, the air is fresh and everything comes to be better.

    1. I love the rain when I am at home. It is rough when I have to go to work though since it is so hot and humid here.

  3. Thursday, June 18th ,2020
    Today was raining extremely heavily. The road is very muddy as a result of rain. I don’t like rainy season. Today I saw my favourite flim “Life of PI”. As everyday I did study and yoga.

    1. I still have not seen Life of Pi. I heard it is wonderful. I will have to watch it this weekend.

  4. The thing I have found in life is that if you love doing something, helping people comes naturally while you are doing that thing. Find something you love doing and help others see the joy in it too. You are doing great.

  5. That is interesting. I wonder what happened. I am really happy that you like my site though. Thanks for studying with me.

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