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There are moments in every bad day that have the chance to make it better.

Light even in the darkest moment.

During my last class, the students were all noisy. They were not paying attention. They didn’t do their homework. When we started to review, they were distracted. They were talking to their neighbor. The review was so important for their final exam next week. I was getting frustrated. I was getting angry. I was disappointed.

But out in the class, there were a few students quietly writing down everything from the board. They were the students that actually needed the review. And the spark of a good moment started to blast away the darkness.

It was a good moment for me to remember that no matter how bad things are during my day, there are positive things if you look for them. I hope you can always find a positive in your day to brighten it. Tell me about your moments in your Daily English Diary.

And if you are enjoying your writing practice, check out my reading comprehension book. Each of the 50 lessons has a writing part to help you get even better at writing. Awesome Reading Comprehension Level 1

Remember to write your Daily English Dairy in the comments. Practice every day with me. Here is Daily English Diary #6.

4 thoughts on “An English Diary is a Daily English Lesson #5

  1. Now I am very busy because I take care of my grandchildren. They are good children, but, sometimes in spite of that, I feel tired. I think I am already old for this but then comes to mind, my daughter needs me, I have to help her. And then I continue the job, end my tiredness disappear. For me, it is that positive thing in my day.

    1. Children are fun but they can wear you out. I teach second graders and they tired me out every day. At least they are your grandkids and there is more of a reward there.

  2. Yesterday was terrible for me. My nephew was burned, he has just only 3- year-old. His feeling was bad☹️, he shouted and cry a lot. Oh, my poor nephew! After that, I run into him and took out of the fire, used the liquid to cool down the burn. But his mom wasn’t good. She shouted and hit him. I screamed at her: ” shut up, you aren’t hit him, go away”. I was sad all night. Was I wrong when I did that to her???

    1. That is a harsh reaction from her. It is sad to hear that she did that. I am happy that you took care of your nephew.

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