Month: April 2022
Teaching Your Child To Read: A Step-By-Step Guide
Reading is one of the most important skills a child can learn. It can open up new worlds and expand knowledge. Reading can also help a child develop a sense of responsibility and self-discipline. That’s why teaching your child to read is so important.
You Don’t Sound Like a Native English Speaker and Here is Why
u may be fluent in English but you don’t sound like it. The most likely cause of this is because you never learned Phonics. Students around the world all suffer a similar fate. They learn grammar, speak phrases and can pass high level English proficiency exams but they all share a similar problem. They don’t sound right. They don’t sound native.
English Adjectives: A Comprehensive List of the Most Commonly Used Adjectives
Adjectives are words that describe a noun (a person, place, or thing). They are the most common type of words used in the English language. As the name suggests, adjectives describe nouns. For example, the adjective “happy” describes what “happy” things are.
Pronunciation of Plosives and Videos To Help You Say Them
Pronunciation of plosives can be tricky even for native English speakers. The way to say the sounds of these consonants can vary depending on their placement in a word, length, stress, and other factors. If you want to take your accent to the next level, learn how to pronounce plosives with confidence.
How to Find a Reliable ESL Tutor for Your Child
When it comes to finding a reliable ESL tutor, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, you need to make sure the person you choose is certified in foreign language education. Second, make sure they have a good reputation among past students.
Your Guide to Understanding Diphthongs: A Breakdown of What They Are And How To Pronounce Them
Diphthongs are a tricky subject. You may have noticed that some words sound a little off when you combine them with another word. A diphthong is a type of vowel combination where two vowels sound like a single sound. It is when two vowels in two different syllables of the same word combine into a single syllable.
Improve Your English Reading Comprehension with These 5 Simple Techniques
Reading comprehension is one of the most important parts of learning English. After all, understanding what you read is essential if you want to stay on top of your lessons and improve your English skills.
How Phonics Can Help With Reading
Reading is a necessary skill in today’s world. Not only is reading for pleasure an important part of your life, reading for school is an essential tool for success in our society. If you struggle with word recognition or decoding, phonics can be a great help. If you’re looking to increase your reading comprehension and speed, look into phonics.
Top 10 Most Fascinating Dinosaur Facts That Will Blow Your Mind Reading Comprehension Article 3
These are only 10 of the countless fascinating facts about dinosaurs. There are many more to discover! Get ready to be amazed by the history of these extinct creatures. Reading Comprehension Article 3
The Basics of the English Accent: A Guide for Non-Native Speakers!
The Basics of the English Accent: A Guide for Non-Native Speakers! But don’t fret! Even if you’ve never thought about learning about the different accents around you, you’re going to love this article. Especially if you’re from the U.S. (like me).